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Change in politcs

           I have been astonished by the profusion of the word "change" in current politics. It seems that we've came to such a time in wich everything needs to be diferent. But,the most of the time the word change can really be just another word to mislead or persuade societes.

            It would be impossible for me precise the beginning of the wave of change but it is very difficult do not notice that from Lula to David Cameron, from United States to South Africa and from ortodoxy economists to neo keynesians  all the world has engaged in the process of trying to catch up another level on national and international affairs.

            In the generical view of the world today we can see that we are in the midst of a economic depression  of the biggest proportion, a crise of energy, a climate challenge and a  issue in social well fair.

           Obviously seems to me tha in this scene no one would dare to put himself against a desire of change unless we deal with one of those machiavelian guys in politics to whom everything is bad,vicius and imoral.

          Looking throughout the history the picture of humanity has been a mixt of war and sex, progress and setbacks, barbarisms and hope. So,we can say that there is a will, just like a law, going  forward and pressuring to another paradigm of behauvior and in opposite direction the same force with signs changed.

                In this sense, we can argue that there were some progress and improvement in  widespread areas of humam activity. For instance,we live more and better (medicine and tecnologies have putted us in a higher level), nowadays we're living in a world where the distance it's not a problem anymore, the women has a better social position in comparison with the past centuries, the slaves of yesterday now can be president and the  democracies have not kill each other yet. So we came to conclusion that we've made some progress.On the other hand all this changes could and will (if no one do somenthing) destroy the world. The man remains the same inside. All the stupidity around the power,the most ridiculous games of richessness and manipulation, in resume, the gates of hell lives within!!!

So, the world is guide by this two opposite views. In very dificult times it's politically correct to bring people together towards values of courage and transformation of the reality,otherwise, they would be unable to react the situation that bring them down. Here the most important word in politics today comes in: CHANGE.

The problem in all this discourse is that people start trully to believe that things will get better if we work hard when the same problems stand still we are just motivated to try not to get worried about them and pretend that they doesn't exist, in one word,we close our eyes, turn our head and go forward thinking positivelly.


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